Escort services a front for prostitution office of justice programs
Escort Services: A Front for Prostitution
While legitimate escort services provide the customer with a companion for social events, some services merely provide a front for prostitution.Escort Services: A Front for Prostitution
While legitimate escort services provide the customer with a companion for social events, some services merely provide a front for prostitution.
Crimes of such illicit services also may include theft, drug abuse, robbery, and assault and battery. These service frequently operate through advertisements, including classified ads and telephone directory listings. Service operators usually maintain records on their employees and their customers. When a customer calls for an escort, the operator obtains personal information such as name, address, and credit and offers to call the prospect back. The customer information is then verified against customer, prank, and police undercover agent files before the prostitute meets the customer. Depending on the length of time spent with the customer is monitored, fees usually run $100 per hour with a $30 service fee. The prostitute calls the operator when she is finished with the customer; no second call alerts the operator to trouble. To prosecute such services effectively, investigators must always seize the business records by search warrant. In undercover operations, the investigator should have adequate identification to pass operator scrutiny. The site chosen should be compatible with equipment and allow adequate concealment and easy access. Once a violation occurs, the backup teams enter to arrest and detain the suspect. Photographs of the escort should be taken and other evidence secured. Informants also may be used to obtain information on operations, customers, and access to records. 2 figures.