Best friendship apps 9 apps to make friends on as an adult glamour uk

These friendship apps make it easy to make new friends as an adult, like Tinder but for pals

The reality is, we're constantly changing and growing – so our friendships will too. Maybe that friend you always went to concerts with no longer makes the effort, or the connection has faded. That doesn't mean you can't meet someone new to do these things with anymore.

These friendship apps make it easy to make new friends as an adult, like Tinder but for pals

Making friends as an adult is tough, unless you move home or job, the scope for new friends shrinks. This is where friendship apps come in.

The reality is, we're constantly changing and growing – so our friendships will too. Maybe that friend you always went to concerts with no longer makes the effort, or the connection has faded. That doesn't mean you can't meet someone new to do these things with anymore.

Though it can be awkward. We're quite skeptical and sometimes a new person showing interest can make us feel uncomfortable. An app takes a little of the guesswork out here because it signals you're all interested in broadening your social horizons.

Besides, the pandemic hasn't exactly made it easy to make new friends. Places we would normally socialise – pubs, restaurants, parties – were shut off, and endless nights spent solo in front of Netflix weren't exactly conducive to connection-forming (except with our sofa, of course). If there's ever been a time when we need a little help to make new BFFs, it's now.

Is it time to reassess a friendship?

So, think of friendship apps like how you'd approach a dating app: put yourself out there, be clear in your intentions, and be open about who you might meet. It might take a little trial and error to find the right app for you – we recommend starting with Bumble BFF or Friender, as they're arguably the most popular.

Who knows, maybe there's a new best friend out there for you…