Sex workers service swish

Sex Industry

STIs will take time to show on a test, so please consider the information below before taking a test. If a test is done too early, it will not be accurate. It is better to wait to take the test if you don’t have symptoms.

Sex Industry

We recognise that if you are working in the sex industry you may be worried about you sexual health or worry about judgement when visiting a service. We pride ourselves at Swish in offering a confidential and non-judgemental service, and we work to a model of harm reduction and human rights.

SWISH are currently running a trial of online STI testing. If you are a sex worker and do not have any symptoms you may be eligible to take part.

STIs will take time to show on a test, so please consider the information below before taking a test. If a test is done too early, it will not be accurate. It is better to wait to take the test if you don’t have symptoms.

  • It can take two weeks after sex, for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea to show up on a test
  • An HIV test is highly accurate 4 weeks after sex and 100% accurate 8 weeks after sex
  • Syphilis can take up to at least 12 weeks to show infection after sex

Click here to complete the triage page to determine your eligibility and order a test.

Click here to see how you take your blood sample.

Our clinic team protects the rights and safety of those who by choice, circumstance or coercion have been involved or remain in the sex industry.

Our SWISH clinics offer:

  • Sexual health check-ups
  • HIV testing
  • Treatment for STIs and referral for HIV care
  • Vaccinations
  • Condoms and lube
  • Information and advice about sexual health and safer sex
  • Information on PrEP
  • How to access Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
  • Information and advice about chem sex

To make an appointment at one of our regular clinics Click Here

If you have multiple partners, we suggest you come and have a check-up every three months. This is important because some people don’t have any symptoms when they have a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or HIV, which increases the risk of harming their own health, and passing on the infection to their sexual partners.